Health & Wellness
- A large component of CPC’s safety culture is centered around encouraging health and wellness. The physical demands our Drivers face while doing their jobs require good health, strength, stamina & focus. Additionally, the law requires professional drivers to be healthy for the protection of both themselves, and the people they share the road with.
CPC regularly works to educate our employees on health issues through a variety of channels, including:
- A dedicated Nurse Advocate Program, focused on being a resource to Drivers regarding health and wellness issues.
- Monthly Tandem Talk Newsletters
- Special email and text message programs
Health & Wellness are keys to helping operating a safe and successful fleet. Our Drivers are a main component in making fleets successful, so investing in promoting good habits is an important function.

Nurse Advocate Program FAQs
DOT Health And Wellness Compliance Issues
In addition to advising about medical conditions and discussing general health issues, CPC’s Nurse Advocate Program is designed to be a resource for answering questions related to DOT health and wellness compliance issues. CPC is committed to providing this resource to encourage proactive compliance and the improved health of our Drivers. CPC’s Nurse Advocate fields questions regularly, and provided the Q & A below to help address commonly asked questions.
Does the DOT certificate expire on the date or the day after. Is there a grace period?
The DOT certificate expires at midnight at the end of the day of the expiration date. There is no grace period.
Does the company pay for my DOT physical or can I just get it done myself?
CPC has designated facilities where they send their drivers for their DOT physicals and it is your obligation to use them. The details of these facilities can be obtained from your manager. CPC does pay for their drivers DOT physical exams.
I was given a 3 month cert as my blood pressure was 150 over 92. Can I get another extension if I can’t get it under control and what should it be? Do I have to get the whole thing done again?
The blood pressure limits for a DOT exam are 140/90 and that is the law. You have been given 90 days to get it under control and if it is still over 140/90 when you go back then unfortunately you will be disqualified. The term ‘extension’ is no longer used it is just a 3 month certificate. Whether to have the whole physical done again is up to the Medical examiner but it in all likelihood he will.
I have just gone on workers comp and my DOT card expires at the beginning of September. If I need to have surgery it will have expired by the time I am fit to return to work, what do I do?
If you are unfit to work then your DOT card will automatically expire and when you are fully fit you will need a medical waiver from your doctor stating as such. You can then go and get your DOT exam done and shouldn’t have any issue.
I applied for 2 jobs and had a DOT physical for another company who only gave me a 3 month card as they told me I needed a sleep apnea test. I decided to take a job with CPC and had another DOT physical with one of their doctors, he gave me a 2 year cert. Do I still need to have a sleep study?
The answer is no, you do not need to have a sleep study done for the purpose of your DOT but it may be worth discussing why the other ME found it necessary to refer you and look at your risk factors. You can still have a sleep study done at any time for your own health and peace of mind and to be sure that sleep apnea is not an issue.
A nurse practitioner friend of mine asked me was it necessary for her to have an HbA1c test on all diabetic drivers?
HbA1c tests are not a requirement. If a driver is found to have sugar in his urine at his DOT, his diabetes could be out of control or he may just have had a ‘bad’ day. Because the HbA1c test gives you a good idea of overall control it would be something to ask the driver for in this instance to be sure his diabetes is safely under control. I advise our diabetic drivers to take a recent HbA1c test with them just in case it is requested and then they have it covered and negates any wait period.