Truck Driver’s Alternative To Driver Inc in Canada
In Canada, commercial truck driver classification is a MAJOR hot button topic. Like many things, change is inevitable. Especially as it pertains to the rule of law and taxes. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) have made a very clear change in recent months related to tax and labour…
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CPC & PMTC Team Up To Honor Dispatchers In Memory of Rick Austin
The Private Motor Truck Council of Canada (PMTC) and CPC Logistics Canada would like to announce a new award, that will be presented for the first time at the PMTC 2018 Conference. “CPC Logistics Canada Ltd is honoured and proud to sponsor a new award for the Private Motor Truck Council of Canada” John Harrison,…
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Huron Recognized For Safety at IHSA Annual Meeting
At the Infrastructure Health & Safety Association Annual Meeting held on September 24, 2015, Huron Services Group was recognized for having a lost time injury frequency rate of 30% under the industry group average for three consecutive years. Pictured from left to right: John Harrison receiving the award from Enzo Garritano, IHSA Acting president &…
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Two Huron Hall of Fame Drivers Inducted
The Private Motor Truck Council of Canada inducted 4 exceptional drivers into the HALL OF FAME FOR PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS during its annual conference in King City, Ontario on June 19th, 2013. The Hall of Fame is sponsored by Huron Services Group Ltd. and recognizes superior over the road performance by drivers whose companies are members…
10 CPC Drivers Selected as NPTC Driver All-Stars
24 private fleet truck drivers who have demonstrated high performance standards against their peer drivers throughout the country based on customer service, safety, adherence to company standards, regulatory compliance, and community service have been honored by the National Private Truck Council (NPTC) as National Driver All-Stars. The awards were presented at a ceremony that took…
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Huron Services again sponsors Canadian Driver Hall of Fame
For a number of years, Huron Services Group has sponsored the Canadian Driver Hall of Fame which is maintained by the Private Motor Truck Council (PMTC) in Canada. The PMTC is the association that represents major manufacturers and service companies and their private fleets in Canada. This year’s inductees were Paul Boshart of Home Hardware, Bill…
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In June of this year, our Canadian fleet, Tona Transport/TMH Logistics Ltd, won the Private Motor Truck Council Safety Award for Medium Sized Fleets. This prestigious award was given to Tona due to it’s exceptional safety record and CVOR rating in Canada. The award was presented at the annual PMTC Conference in Toronto, Canada.
CPC’s New Website!
CPC Logistics has just launched a brand new website! The website will be updated regularly so please check back periodically to see what exciting changes are going on at CPC!
BATO Driver Of The Year
During the week of April 2nd, 2012, seven drivers were brought to Nashville, TN to represent their Bridgestone distribution center as Driver of the Year. These drivers were chosen from the over 400 drivers that CPC supplies for Bridgestone. Each driver was selected based on their exemplary safety, customer service and driving abilities. They…